
1.      Lodge, J.P., McDonald, J.E., Baer, F., 1954:  An investigation of Melander Effect.  J. Meteor., 11, 318-322.

2.      Lodge, J., Baer, F., 1954:  An experimental investigation of the shatter of salt particles on crystallization.  J. Meteor., 11, 420-421.

3.      Hughes, L.A., Baer, F., Birchfield, G.E., Kaylor, R.E., 1955:  Hurricane Hazel and a long wave outlook.  Bull. of Amer. Meteor. Soc., 36, 528-533.

4.      Baer, F., 1956:  The influence of illumination on the cirrus reports.  Bull. of Amer. Meteor. Soc., 37, 366-367.

5.      Goyer, G.C., McDonald, J.E., Baer, F., Braham, R.R., 1960:  Effects of electric fields on water- droplet coalescence.  J. Meteor., 17, 442-445.

6.      Baer, F., 1961:  The extended numerical integration of a simple barotropic model.  J. Meteor., 18, 319-339.

7.      Baer, F., Platzman, G.W., 1961:  A procedure for numerical integration of the spectral vorticity equation. J. Atmos. Sci., 18, 393Ð401.

8.      Riehl, H., Baer, F., Veigas, D., 1963:  Hurricane formation in the Gulf of Mexico.  Geofisica International, Mexico.

9.      Baer, F., 1964:  Integration with the spectral vorticity equation.  J. Atmospheric Sci., 21, 260-276.

10.  Baer, F., and Kamm, W., 1965:  Numerical analysis of TIROS radiation observations.  Tech. Paper No. 67, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 24 pp.

11.  Baer, F., R.L. King, 1967:  A general computational form for a class of non-linear systems incorporating both spectral and finite-difference approximation.  A. Computational Physics, 2, 32-60.

12.  Baer, F., 1969:  The influence of cyclone scale waves on the planetary scale.  Proc. WMO/IUGG Symposium on Numerical Weather Prediction, Tokyo, Japan Met. Agency, I-95-I-100.

13.  Baer, F., and Simons, T.J., 1970:  Computational stability and time truncation of coupled linear equations with exact solutions.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 98, 665-679.

14.  Baer, F., 1970:  Dependence of the highly truncated spectral vorticity equation on initial conditions.  J. Atmos. Sci., 27, 987-999.

15.  Baer, F., 1970:  Spectral models:  A summary.  Proceedings of the (eighth) Stanstead Seminar, Publ. in Meteo. #97, Dept. of Met., McGill U., 37-40.

16.  Baer, F., 1970:  Analytical solutions to low-order spectral systems.  Archiv. Met. Geoph. Biokl., Ser. A., 19. No. 3, 255-285.

17.  Baer, F., 1971:  Energetics of low-order spectral systems.  Tellus, 23, 218-231.

18.  Baer, F., Alyea, F.M., 1971:  Effects of spectral truncation of general circulation and long-range prediction.  J. Atmos. Sci., 28, 457-480.

19.  Baer, F., 1972:  An alternate scale representation of atmospheric energy spectra.  J. Atmos. Sci., 29, 649-664.

20.  Baer, F., 1972:  Studies on numerical modeling and modification of cyclone scale precipitation.  Final Report to U.S. Army Research Office, Durham, (with Rao, Fritsch, Randall).

21.  Baer, F., 1972:  An alternate scale representation of atmospheric energy spectra.  Proceedings of the (ninth) Stanstead Seminar, Publ. in Meteo. #103, Dept. of Met., McGill U., 33-36.

22.  Baer, F., Alyea, F.M., 1974:  Predictability and spectral truncation.  J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 920-931.

23.  Baer, F., 1974:  Hemispheric spectral statistics of available potential energy.  J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 932-941.

24.  Baer, F., 1974:  Vertical structure of hemispheric temperature spectral components.  The GARP Program on Numerical Experimentation, Report No. 7, 152-188.

25.  Baer, F., 1974:  Effects of spectral truncation on predictability.  Proceedings of the (tenth) Stanstead Seminar, Publ. in Meteo. #111, Dept. of Met., McGill U., 3-7.

26.  Baer, F., Tribbia, J.J., 1976:  Spectral fidelity of Gappy data.  Tellus, 28, 215-227.

27.  Baer, F., D.B. Rao and D. Boudra, 1976:  Studies on numerical modeling and modification of cyclone scale precipitation.  Report to the U.S. Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, NC, 53 pp. plus figures.

28.  Baer, F., 1977:  The spectral balance equation.  Tellus, 29, 107-115.

29.  Baer, F., and D. Boudra, 1977:  Numerical prediction and modification of cyclone scale precipitation.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 105, 603-617.

30.  Baer, F., 1977:  Adjustment of initial conditions required to suppress gravity oscillations in nonlinear flows.  Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 50, 350-366.

31.  Baer, F., J.J. Tribbia, 1977:  On complete filtering of gravity of modes through nonlinear initialization.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 105, 1536-1539.

32.  Baer, F., 1977:  Suppression of gravity oscillations by initialization in nonlinear flows.  Ann. Meteor., 11, 101-104.

33.  Baer, F., D.B. Boudra, 1978:  Albedo dependent fine-mesh model experiments.  Israel Meteorological Research Papers, Vol. 2, Meteorology of Semi-Arid Zones, IMS, Bet Dagan, pp. 71-92.

34.  Baer, F., 1979:  Numerical Hurricane Prediction, Chapter 11, Climate and Weather in the Tropics, Academic Press, New York, 497-544.

35.  Baer, F., 1979:  Nonlinear initialization of the GLAS model.  Fourth National NASA Weather and Climate Program Sci. Rev., NASA Conf. Publ. 2076, GSFC, 139-146.

36.  Baer, F. and B. Katz, 1980:  Normal Mode Analyses.  Chapter III, Multidisciplinary Research program in Atmospheric Science, Quasi-Biennial Report to NASA/GLAS, Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, pp. 45-62.

37.  Baer, F., 1981:  Three-dimensional scaling and structure of atmospheric energetics.  J. Atmos. Sci., 38, 52-68.

38.  Baer, F., 1981:  Atmospheric normal modes as seen in FGGE data.  International conference on early results of FGGE and large-scale aspects of monsoon experiments, Jan. 12-17, 1981, Tallahassee, FL, ICSU, WMO, Geneva, 3-22 - 3-26.

39.  Baer, F., and F. Giwa, 1982:  A note on the implication of eddy diffusion of momentum and heat on the upper level boundary condition in atmospheric motion.  Scientific Report to AFGL, University of Maryland, Department of Meteorology, 20 pps.

40.  Baer, F. and P.J. Sheu, 1982:  Optimal spatial representations for numerical weather prediction models based on normal mode analysis.  Final report to AFGL, University of Maryland, Department of Meteorology, 72 pps. + figs.

41.  Baer, F., 1982:  Characteristic structures of atmospheric flow and temperature as seen from FGGE analyses.  The interaction between objective analysis and initialization.  Proceedings of the (fourteenth) Stanstead Seminar, Dept. of Met., McGill U. and NCAR, Publ. in Meteo. #127, 44-51.

42.  Baer, F. and P.J. Sheu, 1983:  Computational modes in numerical weather prediction.  Sixth Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, June 6-9, 1983, Omaha, Nebraska, 6 pp.

43.  Baer, F., and J.J. Tribbia, 1984:  On filtering of gravity modes in atmospheric models.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 893-908.

44.  Baer, F., 1985:  Characteristic atmospheric structures as seen from FGGE analysis.  Report of the Seminar on Progress in Diagnostic Studies of the Global Atmospheric Circulation as a Result of the Global Weather Experiment, Helsinki, August 1984, GARP Special Report No. 42, WMO/TD - No. 22, I-78-I-82.

45.  Anthes, R., F. Baer, C. Hosler, Jr., C. Leith, Jr., R. Maddox, R. Reed, R. Serafin, V. Suomi.  Report of the Research Briefing Panel on Weather Prediction Technologies.  Research Briefs, 1985.  National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 48-58.

46.  Ballish, B.A. and F. Baer, 1985:  Normal mode initialization with elementary surface function.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 113, 241-247.

47.  Baer, F. and S. Saha, 1986:  Vertical and latitudinal statistical profiles derived from FGGE data.  National Conference on the Scientific Results of the FGGE, Jan. 13-17, 1986, Miami, FL, AMS, 118-120.

48.  Baer, F., 1986:  Symposium on climate in memory of Helmut E. Landsberg.  Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,  67, 1493-1500.

49.  Johansson, ., and F. Baer, 1987:  Response of "Climate Drift" to statistical adjustment.  J. Meteor. Soc. Japan,  Special Volume entitled Short and Medium Range Numerical Weather Prediction, editor T. Matsuno, 785-803.

50.  Baer, F., 1988:  On optimal vertical discretization.  Eighth Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Feb. 22-26, 1988.  Baltimore, MD, AMS, preprint, pp. 436-437.

51.  Baer, F., 1988:  Systemic model prediction errors based on numerical approximations.  Proceedings, Workshop on Systematic Errors in Models of the Atmosphere, Toronto, 19-23 Sept. 1988, CAS/JSC/WGNE, - Report No. 12, WMO/TD-No. 273, pp. 280-286.

52.  Baer, F. and Ming Ji, 1989:  Optimal vertical discretization for atmospheric models.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 391-406.

53.  Baer, F., 1990:  Helmut E. Landsberg:  Leadership through vision, breadth and depth.  Advances in Geosciences, Interdivisional Commission on the History of the IAGA, Wilfred Schr”eder, Editor, Bremen-Roennebech (ISSN:  0179-5668)m 240-260.

54.  Zivkovic, M, and F. Baer, 1990:  Sensitivity of daily predictions of Meso-à -á scales to model resolution.  Tellus, 42A, 230-245.

55.  Baer, F., N.L. Canfield, J.M. Mitchell, 1991:  Climate in Human Perspective; A Tribute to Helmut E. Landsberg.  Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 146 pp.

56.  Baer, F. and J. Zhang, 1991:  Errors associated with horizontal truncation in global atmospheric models.  Proceedings of the 13th IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 22-26, July 1991, Volume 2, 581-582.

57.  Shen, S., K.-M. Lau and F. Baer, 1991:  The east Asian summer monsoon variability and tropical sea surface temperature.  Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Climate Variations, 14-18 Oct., 1991, Denver, CO, AMS, Boston, MA  331-334.

58.  Zhu, Y., F. Baer, M. Kanamitsu, 1991:  Vertical discretization of the NMC/MRF model based on the vertical eigenmodes.  Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 14-18 Oct. 1991, Denver, CO, AMS, Boston, MA, 316-319.

59.  Baer, F. and Y. Zhu, 1992:  Forecast accuracy with optimum model truncation.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 2579-2591.

60.  Baer, F., 1992:  Memorial Tributes, National Academy of Engineering, V5, Helmut E. Landsberg.  National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 153-158.

61.  Ji, Ming and F. Baer, 1992:  Three-dimensional scaling and consistent truncation of global atmospheric models.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 131-148.

62.  Ellingson, R. G., F. Baer, H. W. Ellsaesser, Harshvardan, M. Hoffert, D. A. Randall, 1993: Climate Research in the Former Soviet Union. [(Chapter II (Baer)]. SAIC, San Diego, CA, September 1993, 6 chapters and appendices.

63.  Baer, F., 1993:  Exploitation of parallelism in climate models.  Technical report to DOE, Grant No. DEFG0591ER61219, February 1993, 9 pp.

64.  Baer, F., 1993:  Longwave radiation algorithms in global climate modeling. In "Clouds and Radiation in GCMs", ed. E. KŠllŽn, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, ISSN 0349-0467, October 1993, p. 13-19.

65.  Baer, F., and Wm. Campbell, 1994: Experiments In Optimum Three-Dimensional Model Truncation. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on NWP, 17-22 July 1994, Portland, OR, Boston, MA, p. 41-43.

66.  Baer, F., and E. DeWeaver, 1994: The Impact Of Subgrid Scale Motions And Their Parameterization In Atmospheric Models. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on NWP, 17-22 July 1994, Portland, OR, Boston, MA, p. 389-391.

67.  Baer, F., N. Arsky, K. Rocque, 1995: Radiation Impacts on Global Climate Models.  Proceedings of the fourth ARM Science Team Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, 28 Feb.- 3 Mar. 1994, DOE/OER/OHER/ESC, CONF-940277, pp. 85-89.

68.  Baer, F., 1995:  Experiments in optimum three-dimensional truncation.  Modern Dynamical Meteorology, Proceedings from a Symposium in honour of Professor Aksel Wiin-Nielsen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1995, Ed. by Peter D. Ditlevsen, pp 9-14.

69.  Baer, F., N. Arsky, K. Rocque, 1995: Radiative Heating in Global Climate Models.  Proceedings of the fifth ARM Science Team Meeting, San Diego, CA, 20-23 March, 1995, DOE/OER/OHER/ESC, CONF-9503140, pp. 13-18.

70.  Baer, F., N. Arsky, J. J. Charney, and R. G. Ellingson, 1996: Intercomparison of Heating Rates Generated by Global Climate Model Longwave Radiation Codes.  J. Geoph. Res., 101, D21, 26589-26603

71.  Baer, F., Y. Shen, J. Mao and R. Ellingson, 1996: Response Of Global Climate Models To Radiative Forcing.  IRSÕ96: Current problems in atmospheric radiation, Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium, Fairbanks, AL, 19-24 August 1966. A. Deepack publishing, Hampton VA, pp. 340-343.

72.  Baer, F., J. Mao, C. Wang, and R. Ellingson, 1997: Longwave Radiative Forcing in Global Climate Models Proceedings of the seventh ARM Science Team Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 3-7 March, 1997, pp. 285-288.

73.  Baer, F.,J. Zhao and R. Ellingson, 1998: Regional (Subgrid) Scale Variability And Sensitivity Of Longwave Radiative Heating. Proceedings of the eighth ARM Science Team Meeting, Tucson, AZ, 23-27 March, 1998, DOE/ER-0738, pp. 51-56.

74.  Baer, F., Banglin Zhang and Bing Zhang, 1998: Optimizing computations in weather and climate prediction models.  Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 67, 153-168.

75.  Baer, F., and Banglin Zhang, 1999: An efficient time integration scheme for climate prediction.  Tellus, 51A, 652-662.

76.  Baer, F., and Banglin Zhang, 1999: An efficient time integration scheme for climate prediction models. Proceedings of the 24th annual climate diagnostics and prediction workshop, Tucson AZ, 5-9 Nov. 1999, USDOC/NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC, pp. 323-326.

77.  Baer, F., 2000: Numerical weather prediction. Advances in Computers, 52, 91-157.

78.  Baer, F., Joseph. J. Tribbia, and Mark Taylor, 2001: Global and regional atmospheric modeling using spectral elements. Proceedings, IUTAM Symposium, Advances in Mathematical Modeling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2 July - 7 July 2000. Editor P.F. Hodnett, Klewer Acdemic Publishers, Boston, ISBN 0-7923-7075-9, pp. 81-86.

79.  Baer, F., 2003: Spectral Models. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, V5, Editors J. Holton, J. Pyle and J. Curry, Academic Press, London, ISBN: 0-12-227090-8, pp. 2099-2106.

80.  Baer, F., and J. J. Tribbia, 2004: Sensitivity of atmospheric prediction models to amplitude and phase. Submitted to Tellus.

81.  Baer, F., H. Wang, J. J. Tribbia, and A. Fournier, 2006: Climate modeling with spectral elements.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 3610Ð3624.