Towards the Development of Global Scale Transferability of Inference Schemes for Radiative Forcing Functions under the CEOP Initiative

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science




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Selected Results

Indian Monsoon Region

The movement of Meteosat-5 over India during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) starting in 1998 provided a unique opportunity to study in detail the daytime diurnal variability of clouds and components of the radiation budget over that region Wonsick et al., 2009). Documented is the seasonal progression of the Asian monsoon as seen in clouds and convection in the pre-, peak-, and post-monsoon seasons. Diurnal variation of frequency of occurrence of low cloud (left column) and high cloud (right column) for pre-monsoon (Mar - May; top row), peak-monsoon (Jun - Sep; middle row), and post-monsoon (Oct - Nov; bottom row) season 2001 for the hours of 8 - 15 LST is shown in Figure 1; monthly mean cloud amount (%) is given in Figure 2; frequency of occurrence of convective clouds at selected daytime hours for the peak-monsoon season (Jun - Sep) 2001 is shown in Figure 3; cloud amount (%, top) and type (bottom) derived from Meteosat-5 for 1 Aug 04 at 07 UTC is shown in Figure 4; surface SW downward flux (Wm-2) at 0.125 resolution with clouds from Meteosat-5 (top) and at 2.5 resolution with clouds from ISCCP D1 (bottom) is given in Figure 5.


Maintained by Chuan Li