References related to web site:
T. L, 1994. The new NMC Mesoscale Eta Model: Description and Forecast
Examples. Weather and Forecasting, 9, 265-278.
P., 1989. Accessing the Arizona Meteorological Network by Computer.
The University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Tucson, AZ 85721.
B. B, J. J. DeLuisi, J. A. Augustine, and D. Matt, 1995: The NOAA
Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS): A New Surface Radiation
Monitoring Network. Abstract, A.G.U. Fall Meeting, December, 1995,
San Francisco, CA.
S. E., B. C. Reinke, and R. A. Peppler, 1994. Illinois Climate Network:
Site Description, Instrumentation, and Data Management. Illinois
State Water Survey Circular 178. WARM Network Publication 1, 63
J. A., 1994. Implementation Plan for the GEWEX Continental Scale
International Project (GCIP). Vol. 3: Strategy Plan for Data Management.
International GEWEX Project Office Publication Series No. 9, 49
J. A., 1997. Major Activities Plan for 1998, 1999 and Outlook for
2000 for the GEWEX Continental Scale International Project (GCIP).
December 1997, IGPO Publication Series No. 26.
W.P. and J.F. Purdom, 1994. Introducing GOES-I: The first of a new
generation of geostationary operational environmental satellites.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75, 757-782.
R.T. and I. Laszlo, 1992. Modeling surface solar irradiance for
satellite applications on a global scale. J. Appl. Meteor.,
31, 194-211.
R. T., I. Laszlo, Y. Wang, and J. D. Tarpley, 1996. GCIP GOES Shortwave
Radiation Budgets: Validation Activity. Second International
Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle,
17-21 June 1996, Washington, D.C.
R. T., 1996. Surface Radiation Budget Climatology: Current Status
and Issues (invited). IRS '96, Current Problems in Atmospheric
Radiation. 1996 International Radiation Symposium, August
19-24, Fairbanks, Alaska.
R. T., Laszlo, I., Q.-H. Li, and J. D. Tarpley. GCIP GOES shortwave
radiation budget. 77th AMS Annual Meeting, February
2-7, 1977, Long Beach, California
R. T., J. D. Tarpley, I. Laszlo, and Q.-H. Li. High resolution shortwave
radiation budgets from GOES 8 in support of modeling the hydrological
cycle in GCIP. IAMAS/IAPSO, Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere Forces for
Change. 1-9 July, 1997, Melbourne, Australia.
W.J., J. Garatuza-Payan, J. Washburne, and R.T. Pinker, 1996. Evaluating
GEWEX-GCIP data for use in irrigation management. Second International
Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 17-21
June, Washington, D.C.
J. D., I. Laszlo, and R. T. Pinker, 1996. Experimental GOES Shortwave
Radiation Budget for GCIP. Second International Scientific Conference
on Global Energy and Water Cycle. WCRP-67, 1992. GEWEX Continental
Scale International Project. WMO/TD-No. 461.
M. P., M. Jamieson, N. Fulton, Y. Chen, J. X. Johnson, J. Bremer,
C. Smith, and J. Baucom,1997. Operational calibration of Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellite-8 and -9 imagers and sounders.
Applied Optics, 36, 6895-6904.
L., I. Laszlo, and R. T. Pinker, 1996. Development of narrow to
broadband transformations for GOES 8. Second International Scientific
Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 17-21 June 1996,
Washington, D.C.
References related to project:
Cosgrove, Brian A., Dag Lohmann, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John Schaake, Alan Robock, Curtis Marshall, Justin Sheffield, Lifeng Luo, Qingyun Duan, Rachel T. Pinker, J. Dan Tarpley, R. Wayne Higgins, and Jesse Meng, 2003. Realtime and retrospective forcing in the North American Land Data Assimilation Systems (NLDAS) project. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D22), 8842, doi:10.1029/2002JD003118.
Cosgrove, Brian A., Dag Lohmann, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John C. Schaake, Alan Robock, Justin Sheffield, Qingyun Duan, Lifeng Luo, R. Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, and J. Dan Tarpley, 2003. Land surface model spinup behavior in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS). J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D22), 8845, doi:10.1029/2002JD003119.
Lohmann, Dag, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John C. Schaake, Alan Robock, Brian A. Cosgrove, Justin Sheffield, Qingyun Duan, Lifeng Luo, Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, and J. Dan Tarpley, 2004. Streamflow and water balance intercomparisons of four land-surface models in the North American Land Data Assimilation System project. J. Geophys. Res., 109 (D7): Art. No. D07S91 APR 9 2004
Luo, Lifeng, Alan Robock, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John C. Schaake, Dag Lohmann, Brian Cosgrove, Fenghua Wen, Justin Sheffield, Qingyun Duan, R. Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, and J. Dan Tarpley, 2003. Validation of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) retrospective forcing over the Southern Great Plains. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D22), 8843, doi:10.1029/2002JD003246.
Meng, C. Jesse; Pinker, Rachel T., Tarpley, J. Dan; Laszlo, Istvan, 2003. A satellite approach for estimating regional land surface energy budget for GCIP/GAPP J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108, No. D22, 8861, 10.1029/2002JD003088
Mitchell K. E., Lohmann D., Houser P. R., Wood E. F., Schaake J. C., Robock A, Cosgrove B. A., Sheffield J, Duan Q. Y., Luo L. F., Higgins RW, Pinker R. T., Tarpley J. D., Lettenmaier D. P., Marshall C. H., Entin J. K., Pan M, Shi W., Koren V, Meng J., Ramsay B. H., Bailey A. A., 2004. The multi-institution North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS): Utilizing multiple GCIP products and partners in a continental distributed hydrological modeling system. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES 109 (D7): Art. No. D07S90 APR 9 2004.
Pan, Ming, Justin Sheffield, Eric F. Wood, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, John C. Schaake, Alan Robock, Dag Lohmann, Brian Cosgrove, Qingyun Duan, Lifeng Luo, R. Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, and J. Dan Tarpley, 2003. Snow process modeling in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS): 2. Evaluation of model simulated snow water equivalent. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D22), 8850, doi:10.1029/2003JD003994.
Pinker, Rachel T., J. Dan Tarpley, Istvan Laszlo, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John C. Schaake, Alan Robock, Dag Lohmann, Brian A. Cosgrove, Justin Sheffield, Qingyun Duan, Lifeng Luo, and R. Wayne Higgins, 2003. Surface radiation budgets in support of the GEWEX Continental Scale International Project (GCIP) and the GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GAPP), including the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)
Pinker, R. T., I. Laszlo, J. D. Tarpley and K. Mitchell, Geostationary Satellite Products for Surface Energy Balance Models, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 30, No.11, 2427-2432, 2002.
Roads, John, Richard Lawford, E. Bainto, Ernesto Berbery, Shyh-Chin Chen, Balazs M. Fekete, Kevin Gallo, Andrew Grundstein, Wayne Higgins, Masao Kanamitsu, W. Krajewski, Venkat Lakshmi, D. Leathers, Dennis Lettenmaier, L. Luo, Edwin Maurer, Tilden Meyers, D. Miller, Kenneth Mitchell, T. Mote, Rachel Pinker, T. Reichler, David Robinson, Alan Robock, James Smith, G. Srinivasan, Konstantin Vinnikov, Thomas Vonder Haar, Charles J. Vorosmarty, S. Williams, and E. Yarosh, 2003. GCIP Water and Energy Budget Synthesis (WEBS). J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D16), 8609, doi:10.1029/2002JD002583
Robock, Alan, Lifeng Luo, Eric F. Wood, Fenghua Wen, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, John C. Schaake, Dag Lohmann, Brian Cosgrove, Justin Sheffield, Qingyun Duan, R. Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, J. Dan Tarpley, Jeffrey B. Basara, and Kenneth C. Crawford, 2003. Evaluation of the North American Land Data Assimilation System over the Southern Great Plains during the warm season. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D22), 8846, doi:10.1029/2002JD003245
Schaake, John C., Qingyun Duan, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, Alan Robock, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Dag Lohmann, Brian Cosgrove, Justin Sheffield, Lifeng Luo, R. Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, and J. Dan Tarpley, 2003. An inter-comparison of soil moisture fields in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS). J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2002JD003309.
Sheffield, Justin, Ming Pan, Eric F. Wood, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, John C. Schaake, Alan Robock, Dag Lohmann, Brian Cosgrove, Qingyun Duan, Lifeng Luo, R. Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, J. Dan Tarpley, and Bruce H. Ramsay, 2003. Snow process modeling in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS): 1. Evaluation of model simulated snow cover extent. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D22), 8849, doi:10.1029/2003JD003274.
Sun, Donglian, and R. T. Pinker, 2003. Estimation of Surface Temperature from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). J. Geophys. Res., 108, NO. D11, 4326, doi:10.1029/2002JD002422
Sun, D. and R. T. Pinker, 2004. Case study of soil moisture effect on land surface temperature retrieval. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 1, No. 2, 127-130.
Sun, Donglian, R. T. Pinker, and Jeffrey B. Basara, 2004. Land surface temperature estimation from the next generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites GOES M-Q. J. Appl. Meteor., 43, 363-372.
Sun, D. and R. T. Pinker, 2005. Implementation of GOES-based LSTD with AVHRR. International Journal of Remote Sensing, in press.
Selected Conference Proceedings:
Cosgrove, Brian A., Dag Lohmann, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John Schaake, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Alan Robock, Lifeng Luo, Qingyun Duan, Justin Sheffield, Jesse Meng, Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, Dan Tarpley, and Ying Lin, 2002. Real-time and retrispective forcing in the Land Data Assimillation System (LDAS) Project. The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
John Roads, Richard Lawford, Ernesto Berbery, S Chen, B. Fekete, K. Gallo, Andrew Grundstein, Wayne Higgins, Masao Kanamitsu, Witold Krajewski, Venkat Lakshmi, Daniel Leathers, D. Lettenmaier, L. Luo, Edwin Maurer, Tilden Meyers, D Miller, Kenneth Mitchell, Thomas Mote, Rachel Pinker, Thomas Reichler, David Robinson, Alan Robock, J Smith, J. Srinivasan, Konstantin Vinnikov, Konstantin Vinnikov, T. Vonder Haar, C. Vorosmarty, S. Williams, and Evgeney Yarosh, 2003. GCIP Water and Energy Budget Synthesis (WEBS). 17TH Conference on Hydrology, 83rd AMS Meeting, Long Beach, CA, February 9-13, 2003.
Kassabova, T, R. T. Pinker and I. Laszlo, 2002. Updated Surface Spectral Reflectance Models Compatible with Current Global Land Cover Classifications. 11th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. June 3-7, 2002, Ogden, Utah.
Kasabbova, T., R. T. Pinker, D. Goodrich, T. Keefer, A. Huete, and J. Privette, 2002. Evaluation of satellite based estimates of surface albedo with ground and aircraft observations in a semi-arid region. Spring AGU, Washington, DC, May 28-June 1, 2002.
Laszlo, I., D. J. Tarpley, and R. T. Pinker, 2002. A comparison of surface solar fluxes in the NOAA/GCIP SRB product with those derived from the ISCCP D1 data. 11th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, June 3-7, 2002, Ogden, Utah.
Li, Xu, R. T. Pinker, and the N-LDAS Team, 2002. Snow/Cloud Issues in Retrieval of Radiative Fluxes from Satellites for GCIP/GAP. The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Liu, H., R. T. Pinker, B. N. Holben, J. Ballabrera, T. Eck, and A. Smirnov, 2002. Climatology of Aerosol Optical Depth over the United States. 11th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, June 3-7, 2002, Ogden, Utah.
Lohmann, D., K. E. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, J. C. Schaake, E. F. Wood, D. Tarpley, W. Higgins, R. T. Pinker, A. Robock, D. P. Lettenmaier, B. Cosgrove, Q. Duan, J. Sheffield, and L. Luo, 2002. Evaluation of streamflow and snowpack simulations in the land surface models of the land data assimilation system (LDAS) project. AMS 82nd Annual Meeting, 13-17 January, 2002, Orlando Florida.
Luo, Lifeng, A. Robock, K. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, J. C. Schaake, E. F. Wood, D. P. Lettenmaier, R. T. Pinker, and D. Tarpley, 2002. Evaluation of LDAS land surface models with observed forcing and hydrology. AMS 82nd Annual Meeting, 13-17 January, 2002, Orlando Florida.
Luo, Lifeng, Alan Robock, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John C. Schaake, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Dag Lohmann, Brian A. Cosgrove, Q. Duan, J. Sheffield, Jesse Meng, Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, Dan Tarpley, Kenneth C. Crawford, and Jeffrey B. Basara. Real-time and retrospective forcing in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (N-LDAS) project, 2002. Validation of North American LDAS retrospective forcing with station observations and model experiments. The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Luo, L., A. Robock, K. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, E. f. Wood, J. Schaake, D. Lettenmaier, B. Cosgrove, Q. Duan, D. Lohmann, J. Sheffield, W. Higgins, R. T. Pinker, D. Tarpley, K. Crawford, and J. Basara, 2003. Evaluation of LDAS Land Surface Models with observed forcingand hydrology. AMS Meeting, Long Beach, CA.
Maurer, E. P., A. W. Wood, J. C. Adam, B. Nijssen, D. P. Lettenmaier, and E. F. Wood, 2002. Retrospective LDAS land surface hydrologic fluxes and state variables, 1950-2000. The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Mitchell, K., P. R. Houser, E. F. Wood, J. Schaake, D. P. Lettenmaier, A. Robock, D. Lohmann, W. Higgins, R. T. Pinker, and D. Tarpley, The North American Land Data Assimilation System (N-LDAS) Project, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2002
Mitchell, K., P. Houser, J. Schaake, E. Wood, A. Robock, D. Lettenmaier, D. Lohmann, B. Cosgrove, Q. Duan, J. Sheffield, L. Luo, W. Higgins, R. Pinker, D. Tarpley, J. Meng, 2002. The GAPP Multi-Institution National-Scale Land Data Assimilation System Project (N-LDAS). The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pinker, R. T., X. Li, I. Laszlo, J. D. Tarpley, K. Mitchell, A. Heidinger, P. Romanov, 2002. Improved Surface Radiation Budgets for the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental-Scale International Project and the GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GCIP/GAPP). 11th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, June 3-7, 2002, Ogden, Utah.
Pinker, R. T., J. D. Tarpley, K. Mitchell, X. Li, T. Kassabova, H. Liu, I. Laszlo and the N-LDAS TEAM, 2002. Progress to Derive Improved Surface Radiation Budgets for the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental-Scale International Project and the GEWEX Americas Prediction Project (GCIP/GAPP). The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana
Pinker, R. T., 2004. Hydrological applications of remote sensing: Atmospheric states and fluxes-Insolation. Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
Pinker, R. T., 2005. Progress and outstanding challenges in estimating Surface Radiation Budgets by methods of Remote Sensing. CEReS International Symposium on Radiation Budget and Atmospheric Parameters Studied by Satellite and Ground Observation Data-Toward the Understanding of Long Term Trend in Asia, February 17-18, 2005, Chiba, Japan (Invited).
Roads, J. et al. GCIP Water and Energy Budget Synthesis (WEBS) 17TH Conference on Hydrology, AMS Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 2003.
Robock, A., Lifeng Luo, Kenneth Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John Schaake, Dennis Lettenmaier, Brian Cosgrove, Qingyun Duan, Dag Lohmann, Justin Sheffield, Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, Kenneth Crawford, Jeffrey Basara and D. Tarpley, Evaluation of N-LDAS Land Surface Models with Observed Forcing and Hydrology, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2002
Robock, A., Lifeng Luo, Kenneth E. Mitchell, Paul R. Houser, Eric F. Wood, John C. Schaake, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Brian A. Cosgrove, Q. Duan, Dag Lohmann, J. Sheffield, Wayne Higgins, Rachel T. Pinker, Dan Tarpley, Kenneth C. Crawford, and Jeffrey B. Basara. Evaluation of North American LDAS land surface models with observed surface fluxes, soil moisture, and soil temperature. The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Robock, A., Luo, L., Wood, E. F., Wen, F., Mitchell, K.E., Houser, P. R., Schaake, J. C. and the NLDAS TEAM, Evaluation of the North American Land Data Assimilation System over the Southern Great Plains during the warm season. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.
Schaake, J., Q. Duan, K. E. Mitchell, P. R. Houser, E. F. Wood, D. P. Lettenmaier, B. Cosgrove, D. Lohmann, R. T. Pinker, A. Robock, J. Sheffield, and D. Tarpley, 2002. Another statistical look at LDAS moistrure fields. AMS 82nd Annual Meeting, 13-17 January, 2002, Orlando Florida.
Schaake, J., Q. Duan, K. Mitchell, P. Houser, E. Wood, D. Lettenmaier, B. Cosgrove, D. Lohmann, R. Pinker, A. Roback, J. Sheffield, D. Tarpley, 2002. An Intercomparison of LDAS Soil Moisture Fields. The Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, 13-17 May, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Schaake, J., Duan, Q. and the NLDAS Team, An Inter-comparison of Soil Moisture Fields in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS), EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003.

