Ferdinand Baer 
(Click here for Biographical Sketch) 
(Click here for Recent Publications) 
(Click here for Current Research)

Phone: (301) 405-5387
Fax: (301) 314-9482
Email: baer@atmos.umd.edu


University of Maryland

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

Professor Emeritus
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
          University of Maryland 
          College Park, Maryland 20742

B.A., University of Chicago, 1950 
The College 

M.A. University of Chicago, 1954 

Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1961 
Geophysical Sciences 

BioGraphical Sketch

Professor Ferdinand Baer received his professional training from the Department of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago from which he graduated in 1961. He began his academic career as an Assistant Professor at Colorado State University where he was one of the founding members of their Department of Atmospheric Science. In 1971 he took a position as Professor at the University of Michigan, and in 1977 he moved to the University of Maryland where he took on the chairmanship of the newly created Department of Meteorology. In 1987 he retired from his administrative post to devote himself to teaching and research as a Professor in the same department. During his tenure at the various Universities, Professor Baer was a WMO expert to India, a research fellow at the GFDL laboratory of Princeton University, a Visiting Professor at the University of Stockholm and the Freie University of Berlin and occasionally a summer visitor at NCAR. His research interests span a variety of topics to include atmospheric dynamic, numerical weather prediction, numerical analysis, initialization, spectral methods, atmospheric energetics, gravity waves, and high performance computing applications. He is a member of a number of professional societies and a fellow of the American Meteorological Society, the Royal Meteorological Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has directed to completion the PhD. research of sixteen students and has several more in line. He has had or has research support from NSF, NASA, DOE, NOAA and DOD. In support of his community he has served on a variety of boards and committees which included NAS/BASC, two terms as a UCAR trustee, member representative to UCAR from UMCP, and most recently, Chair, AAAS Section on Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences.

Recent publications:

Current Research:

Syllabi for UMCP courses: