2003 June 29 22:01 UT
NOAA-12 satellite AVHRR 3 channel color composite afternoon image.
A closer view (332 Kb) is seen by clicking on this small image.
The maximum sustained winds are 45 mph.
2003 June 30 08:08 UT
NOAA-16 satellite AVHRR channel 4 early morning image.
A closer view (294 Kb) is seen by clicking on this small image.
The maximum sustained winds have increased to 50 mph.
2003 June 30 10:16 UT
NOAA-12 satellite AVHRR channel 4 early morning image.
A closer view (178 Kb) is seen by clicking on this small image.
2003 June 30 21:36 UT
NOAA-12 satellite AVHRR 3 channel color afternoon image.
A closer view (243 Kb) is seen by clicking on this small image.
The maximum sustained winds have increased to 60 mph and Bill is beginning to
make landfall on the Louisiana coast.